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Mom, unleash the power of your scent in 3 ways

Mom, don’t change anything about you, not even your scent.

Lise Eliot, Ph.D., assistant professor of neuroscience at the Chicago Medical School says that babies can detect smell even in the womb! It is one of the senses that develops first and it is much more potent in infancy than in adulthood.

In WebMD’s article Baby's Nose Knows Mom's Smell, the author explains that blocking one of the nostrils from smell in mammals delays brain development. Both authors agree that the most recognizable scent is yours, just as is.

Babies preferred breastfeeding from an unwashed breast when given the choice and they can smell your armpits from feet away, Eliot says. So here are 3 ideas to empower your scent:

Keep hygiene unscented: use unscented shampoo, soaps, creams and detergents as much as possible while your child is a baby.

Share your scent: Scent The Zaky HUG by wearing around your neck or wrap a worn shirt around your baby’s crib bar (away from his face) to sooth her while she sleeps.

Share daddy’s scent: Smelling mom and dad’s scent simultaneously will help, making dad -or any other caregiver- familiar to him.

Your baby’s favorite scent is yours, just as is, because it tells her that she is safe.Tell her so, and tell it often by practicing these 3 tips.

Share your pics of how you use The Zaky HUG for your baby to enjoy your scent when you are not there.


There are goodies for the winner @TheZaky #TheZakyHUG. Sources: http://www.parenting.com/article/the-power-of-scent-21332740 https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/news/20050706/babys-nose-knows-moms-smell Twitter: Read our post and show us how you use The Zaky HUGs to share ur scent when u aren’t there. #TheZakyHUG

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