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Tell us your story and be featured by The Zaky

If you are reading this post is because you have been cordially invited to write a blog post about your own story and how The Zaky touched your life.

Here are some guidelines and tips for you to tell your own story to submit to us.

Be Inspirational

Zachary changed the world of babies through his mother's work and has inspired thousands of families around the world.  Your baby has transformed many lives and your story is just as inspirational.

Touch someone else's life by sharing any part of your baby's journey, your own experience, and what it means to you to have The Zaky be part of your life.

Tips for telling your story

  • Keep it shorter than 500 words. Average is 300 words.
  • You are writing your own story so keep it in first person, authentic and compelling.
  • You may start with what was happening in your life when you received The Zaky.
  • Decide how you want to start and end your story.
  • Write a strong first and last sentences.
  • Briefly explain why The Zaky is relevant to your story, how did you get it, what is your favorite way to use it, how did you hear about it, what meaning did/does it have in your journey, etc.
  • Share in what setting you use it (i.e., at home, NICU, antepartum, Delivery, c-section kangaroo care, etc.)
  • Share what difference The Zaky has made in your journey.
  • If you are donating or receiving a donation of The Zaky tell us about it and what made you choose The Zaky. 
  • Use a clear, inspirational headline as the title (or we can help you with that)
  • It must be your own work.
  • Do not procrastinate - start writing your story now. 
  • Set up a goal for the date of submission.  
  • We do not pay or charge for featuring stories.
Submit your work

Email  info@thezaky.com using subject: “[BLOG SUBMISSION] MY STORY AND THE ZAKY " and don’t forget to include the title, your name, city/state/country, name of the hospital if appropriate, your story, any collaterals (video, audio, photos, etc.) and any additional comments. 

We won’t share any information that you provide outside your blog post material.

By sending us the email you give us permission to share it.

questions? Email  info@thezaky.com 

“ The story of our brand is the story of our family. Thank you for being part of it”

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