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HUGging Lorenzo at Careggi di Firenze, Italy

Lorenzo, Ospedale Careggi di Firenze, Ecco È nato il 7 ottobre a 30 settimane
Ecco il mio Lorenzo all ospedale con la vostra mano Zaky....
Gli piace tantissimo e io vi ringrazio di cuore per aver inventato un oggetto utilissimo per i nostri bimbi prematuri che non possono avere le carezze della mamma e del padre sempre...
Spero di inviarvi presto foto di Lorenzo con Zaky a casa nostra e non più all ospedale. 
Grazie mille,
Lorenzo was born on October 7th, 2018 at 30 weeks  at the NICU of the Careggi Hospital in Florence, Italy.
Here is my Lorenzo at the hospital with your Zaky HUG ....
He likes it very much and I thank you very much for having invented a very useful object for our premature babies who can not have the caresses of their mother and father always ...
I hope to send you soon Lorenzo's photo with Zaky at our house and no longer at the hospital.
Thanks a lot,
Lorenzo in Florence NICU with The Zaky HUG    The Zaky HUGging Lorenzo in Florence, Italy
Lorenzo in Florence NICU with The Zaky HUG   Lorenzo in Florence NICU with The Zaky HUG
Lorenzo in Florence NICU with The Zaky HUG