HUGging Twins, Henry & Chuck - Houston, TX

HUGging Twins, Henry & Chuck - Houston, TX

My boys, Henry and Chuck, were born unexpectedly at 24+1 weeks and 24+2 weeks at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, TX. Henry weighed 1 lb 5 oz and Chuck weighed 1 lb 8 oz. One of our amazing primary nurses told us right away about Zakys and we ordered them each a pair. Since we couldn't hold them or do almost anything to take care of them, it felt nice that there was SOMETHING we could do to provide them some comfort. My husband and I slept with the Zakys until the boys were stable enough to have them in their isolette. The boys spent 105 and 134 days in the NICU and cuddled with their Zakys every day. When we brought the boys home their Zakys went into their cribs and the boys still have them in their beds now at 3 1/2 years old. The boys donated 3 pairs of Zakys to the CMH NICU for their first Christmas to help other families like ours who had long NICU stays. I also ended up writing a book about the boys' NICU stay and first year to try to help anyone going through the same thing. It is available on Amazon and is called "Tiny But Mighty, Life In The NICU And At Home With My Micro Preemies".

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