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Mom and Dad, 3 tips to unleash your powerful touch

New parents, apply these techniques to bring physiological, intellectual and emotional benefits to your baby. You’ll enjoy them too!

In its paper The power of human touch on babies, the Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres shows that skin-to-skin benefits sleep, social skills, physiological stability and brain development. (Skin-to-skin is the technique of lying your baby nude on your bare skin.)

Warwick Medical School (UK) shows “evidence of improved mother-infant interaction, sleep and relaxation, reduced crying and a beneficial impact on a number of hormones controlling stress”.

So we recommend:

Practicing skin-to-skin: As much as possible up to 12 weeks after the due date using a body wrap to prevent accidents (Check The Zaky ZAK®).

Massaging daily: Either by learning from others or by developing your own technique. Here are some vids to inspire your creativity. 3)

Spreading the word: Tell others about that magnificent power of yours! It’s a nice table topic ;)

Skin-to-skin and massage bring myriad benefits to your baby, practice these techniques safely and embrace the power of your touch.

Tell us about it @TheZaky #TPYT and you might win a Zaky System IG Post: Read our blog post and tell us how u unleash ur power. We’ll send a Zaky System to the most powerful pic this week. #YPT

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