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Invitation to record The Zaky instructional videos for new parents (healthy/hospitalized)

If you are reading this post is because you have been cordially invited to make an instructional video (or more) for parents of newborns for The Zaky mobile application. 

The Zaky mobile app was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Nurtured by Design to improve kangaroo care and neuroprotective care of the newborn globally.

Please explain how to use The Zaky HUG, or The Zaky ZAK to provide a more humane, more nurturing, more developmentally appropriate and trauma-informed care.

Here are some guidelines and tips for you to make a successful video and how to submit to us.

Be Inspirational

Zachary's story changed the world of babies through his mother's work and has inspired thousands of families and clinicians around the world. 

Your video will be watched by parents globally and many may not have a therapist or a nurse that teaches them how they can do different interventions in a trauma-informed or developmentally appropriate way.   Even if it is something you think a parent should know, please talk about it and inspire them to learn and improve the way they are involved with their babies.  Keep using trauma-informed communication!

Tips for making your videos:

  • Use the smart phone or camera in landscape mode (sideways)
  • When possible, record using two different cameras/phones simultaneously: One showing your hands and baby/doll and one showing your upper body so we can edit the video more effectively.
  • Select a well-lit location and when possible, no background noise.
  • It is perfect to do it in a NICU/PICU/Postpartum/Home setting
  • Make sure not to use or show any personal information of any patient.
  • Use imaginary names when needed.
  • If you use a doll for demonstration, please include different scenarios and alternatives depending on a medical condition of a patient.
  • Keep videos as short as possible providing the necessary and complete information.
  • We will edit the video so you may send the raw file(s) to us (see below).  
  • Please watch this video and stop when they start explaining how to edit the video. It also has a guide on how long the video should be depending on content:

    Tips for content:

    • You are teaching parents of different genders so use she/he/they.
    • Decide if your video is for healthy or for hospitalized babies.
    • Decide how you want to start and end your video.
    • Write strong first and last sentences.
    • Plan to briefly explain what you will demonstrate, then demonstrate, and end with a summary and possible scenarios, if suitable.
    • When you demonstrate something, please include WHY you do that - what effect will what you are demonstrating have in the future, how it will help now, what deficiency or malformation may prevent, how it protects the brain, etc.

    • Please start with introducing yourself (name, position, hospital if appropriate, city, state, country) Then count to 3 in your head and start your content.   We will edit it out and let you start with your own content and a strong sentence.
    • Feel free to make different videos, if you think of something parents may need to know. There are no limit of how many videos you may submit. 
    • It must be your own work and give us permission to edit and use it.
    • Do not procrastinate - start writing your script now. 
    • Set up a goal for the date of submission (Before April 15th, 2021).  
    • We do not charge parents to use the app or watch the videos and would like to keep it that way.  We will appreciate if you can make the video(s) pro-bono, however, we know that times are difficult for many people.  Please make sure that if you would like to receive remuneration that we have an agreement in writing from Nurtured by Design before recording.  We have a small grant so please don't hesitate to email


    • Email your videos to with the subject: [INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO SUBMISSION] THE ZAKY EXPERIENCE
    • Email us and we will send you instructions if the file(s) are too large for email. 

    Questions? email

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