FAQ: Should The Zaky HUG be sent home with the baby at hospital discharge?

FAQ: Should The Zaky HUG be sent home with the baby at hospital discharge?

Yamile designed The Zaky HUG to help babies from birth until they do not need them anymore – we see customers using them for years!
The Zaky HUG helps with positioning, containment, boundaries, bonding with family, transitioning, soothing,  and self-regulation and it is arguably the most valued tool that help a baby sleep in a nurturing and developmentally appropriate manner.
The Zaky HUG provides a developmentally appropriate environment that is proven to help babies fall (and stay) asleep.
Developmental Care and Kangaroo Care are necessary interventions that parents continue to provide at home after hospital discharge.   As with any other intervention done at home, nurses evaluate the proficiency and willingness of parents to provide the intervention before the baby is discharged.  Our products are the tools used to facilitate these interventions at home.
Usually if the hospital does not provide them for home intervention it is due to budget restrictions.
SAFE SLEEP: We adhere to the Back to Sleep program, so once the baby is asleep AND the parent leaves the baby, then the parent takes The Zaky with him/her – UNLESS the pediatrician recommends otherwise in a case by case basis.

Some reasons that we know that doctors recommend leaving them to help babies stay asleep include:
– if baby keeps waking up a lot for no apparent reason.
– if the baby cannot fall asleep unless s/he is being held.
– if the baby needs to keep a particular position for a medical or other reason (after surgery, reflux, etc.)
– if the baby is discharged before due date and The Zaky provides the necessary support for the overall musculoskeletal development.
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