Sizing of The Zaky ZAK®

Sizing of The Zaky ZAK®

One frequently asked question is how do i size The Zaky ZAK®?

The Zaky ZAK is engineered to provide consistent level of care, reliably and  fit each adult/baby perfectly every time, and provides safety, comfort, easy and quiet access to the baby.

There are 4 sizes available and each has 3 zippers (here is why) 2 inches apart. Therefore, adults with chest circumference of 50 to 126cm find the perfect size with The Zaky ZAK.

It is important that the baby is kept safe with The Zaky ZAK® every time s/he is being held.

The Zaky ZAK® fits perfectly while others may be too tight (which may compromise breathing), or too loose (the baby may slide and have an injury.)

- parents and other adults with explicit permission by the parents to do skin to skin: wear it over a naked torso. 

- all others: wear it over clothes that don't have buttons on the front or anything that can bother the baby.

We offer one color per size, so the staff knows the size by looking at the color:
size 0 is teal
size 1 is gray
size 2 is blue
size 3 is olive


Here is how to measure for The Zaky ZAK®:

Find that number on the Chest Circumference column and that will give you the size on the first column: 

The Zaky ZAK Sizing

let us know what other info you need by contacting us or commenting below

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