Survey: The role of service providers in parents’ experience in the NICU

Survey: The role of service providers in parents’ experience in the NICU

Invitation to all former NICU parents in the USA to participate in our study


My name is Yamile Jackson, Ph.D. in engineering and the mom of Zachary, a former micro-preemie now in college.  He survived the deluge from Tropical Storm Allison in Houston, Texas, in 2001 that shut down the hospital and his life-support equipment. He was evacuated after nine hours of effort by the NICU staff and us.  Zachary changed NICUs twice - one under emergency and the other by our own choice.   

I promised to give back to the NICU community on behalf of Zachary and I founded Nurtured by Design.  Given the significant differences in cultures and practices of both NICUs that cared for Zachary and hundreds of NICUs I have visited in the last 20 years,  I am partnering with four exceptional marketing and service research professionals to try to understand better the role of NICU service providers (e.g., nurses, doctors, therapists, volunteers, specialists, administrative staff, etc.) in parents' experiences and satisfaction and, if given a choice, would they select the same providers. 

The goal is to inform healthcare decision-makers and providers of better service system design, including parent engagement as a vital element of the care process.

We have created a 15-20 min online survey that gathers information about the parental experience and the involvement in the care for their babies in the neonatal intensive care unit.  

Your participation will be priceless, and as a token of appreciation for completing the survey we will raffle six $50 Amazon gift cards.

If you have general questions about your rights as a participant in this or any other research, or if you wish to discuss problems, complaints, concerns or questions about your participation in this research, you may contact Dr. Todd Arnold, E-mail:, Tel: 918-594-8596  


To learn more and to participate, please click the button below:

Please note that we sincerely understand that thinking back to the beginning of the NICU experience may trigger some unexpected and unpleasant thoughts or feelings. Please only proceed if you feel ready.  The answers are anonymous.

You may withdraw from the survey at any time and for any reason without penalty. Simply close the browser page. 

Please invite your friends that are former NICU parents in the USA by sharing this page.

This is the team of investigators for this research:

Steven Rayburn, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, McCoy College of Business
Texas State University

Suzanne C. Makarem, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Business
Virginia Commonwealth University

Mayoor Mohan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Business
Virginia Commonwealth University

Todd Arnold, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Business
Oklahoma State University

Yamile Jackson, Ph.D., P.E., P.M.P.
CEO, Nurtured by Design
Sugar Land, Texas


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